12 Feb Top 5 Things You Can Do to Grow Your Business
1. Answer your phone.
This is the number one thing you can do to not only get new customers, but also to retain your current or previous customers. I once got a new client who had called six other web design firms before calling me. I got the job because I answered my phone. And don’t say “Hello”. Answer your phone in a professional manner Here’s an example: “Wolfe Interactive, this is Linda. How may I help you?”. If you use a cell phone, get a service such as Ring Central that will give you a business number that you can forward to your phone with notification that a business call is coming in. It’s worth the money.
2. Keep you word.
If you make a promise to a customer, keep your word, even if it costs you money. Your reputation is 100% tied to honesty and delivering on the promises you make to customers. You don’t have to say yes to customers every whim – it’s ok to say no, but if you do say yes, you must follow through.
3. Don’t make excuses!
If you forget to complete a task on time or forget to do something, don’t make excuses. Apologize to the customer and make it right. Customers understand that people are human, but you will lose your customers trust if you don’t own up to the mistake.
4. Don’t take jobs you can’t perform well on.
Your reputation is directly tied to the quality of your work. If you take a job that you cannot perform well on, you’re damaging your reputation. People will respect you more if you tell them the truth. They will appreciate your honesty and will be sure to give you referral in the future.
5. Learn when to walk away.
Trust your gut. Every time I have had a bad feeling about a customer and taken the job anyway, I have always regretted it. Learn to follow your instincts and say NO when you feel that a customer could pose a potential problem. I have learned the hard way to say no when I get a bad vibe about a potential client. Saying yes to a potentially high maintenance or mentally unstable customer leaves you vulnerable to negative reviews, abuse of your employees all kinds of unpleasantness.
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