“Wolfe is AWESOME! Totally “got” what we needed to have done. Offered suggestions and options that we could take or leave. Priced reasonably. Great work. Easy to work with and great follow-through. BIG PLUS: we are on Kauai in HI and my call/work dovetailed with a trip they had planned already so we actually met in person too! Don’t hesitate. Contact them!”
Kay Leonard
Kauai Gymnastics
Website redesign for Kauai Gymnastics Academy. KGA contacted us because they wanted a website that was mobile responsive, integrated with Jackrabbit Class, and could update themselves. We redesigned their website to clean things up and make it more user friendly all while staying true to their brand. We improved the functionality and gave KGA parents the ability to register for classes and make payments online. We kept the menu simple so users can easily find the information they are looking for and navigate the site with ease.